Here you can see how the Mogul Artists used to create Illuminated Manuscripts with poetry on the same composition. This is where the form of using poetry to support the graphics in Truck art evolves from.

Here is a box from the Iranian Art era, it not only displays similar motifs to Truck art present day but also colors. The color palette that is used to create this box are the same if not similar colors to what the truck artists use today.

Here is a Vase from the Mamluk Dynasty from 1350, here you can tell why the truck artists use Vase to represent an openess, that as a graphic element it is used to either support 'good luck' or ' wel come'.

Here is a Khudabad tile design from Turkey, (1236) where the use of peacocks in islamic art is a key element of design. Similarly the peacock is used in present day truck art aswell. The shape of the tile is an 8 sided star, and in truck art the artists may use a 2-4-6 sided star as well.
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